The news comes from games industry analyst Benji-Sales, who recently shared Ghost of Tsushima stats on Twitter. Check it out below. “After only three weeks of sales Ghost of Tsushima is already the 2nd best selling game lifetime for a PlayStation first party studio in Japan on PS4,” he wrote. “#1 is Spider-Man, however at roughly 300k physical sales Ghost of Tsushima isn’t far behind and will surpass it in the coming weeks.” Benji-Sales went on to state that some people will argue that Knack is higher, but that the figures for Knack are skewed due to the fact it was bundled with the PS4 at launch. “Some will bring up Knack which is higher,” he wrote. “However its sales are massively inflated from being bundled with the PS4 at launch and I don’t personally include that game when ranking PS4 performances for software in Japan.” He expanded on this in another tweet, writing, “What makes Knack so high, is it literally was the pack in game the day PlayStation 4 launched in Japan.” This comes after Ghost of Tsushima drastically exceeded expectations in Japan - stores ran out of stock almost immediately.

In related news, players have already petted 8.8 million foxes in Ghost of Tsushima, and have spent 810 years on horseback. The poor horse! (On that note, I am fully convinced that said horse is Roach’s brother, so he’s a hardy horse for sure). If you’ve yet to play Ghost of Tsushima for yourself and are curious about whether or not you’d like it, be sure to check out our review. If you’re just starting out, be sure to consult our handy tips and tricks guide, which will help you become a successfully sneaky samurai.

Ghost of Tsushima achieves second highest lifetime sales for PS4 first party game in Japan - 86