If you’re a Fire Emblem veteran or just big on your RPGs in general, some of these stats will be familiar to you. However, Units in Fire Emblem have a hell of a lot of stats to think about - and some of them have rather obtuse names, or worse, obtuse shortened versions that show up in the menu. So. Wondering what ‘Bld’ is, or ‘Avo’? Or even one of the more traditional ones, like ‘Ddg’ or ‘Dex’? We’re here to help you to work through it.

Fire Emblem Engage Stats Explained

In short, the majority of the stats are likely things you’re familiar with. There’s the obvious ones like HP, STR (Strength), and Mag (Magic) - but because of the complexities of the grid-based combat of Fire Emblem Engage, there’s also some more stats than you might find in other RPGs that on a superficial level seem quite similar. A lot of these stats interplay with each other - so, for instance, the Spd (Speed) stat has a direct impact on the Avo (Avoid) stat, and so on. None of this is deathly complicated, however. Once you understand what each and every stat means, the systems sort of naturally fall into place and it becomes a lot easier to strategize. Understanding the stats is important because every character has slightly different stat growth which makes them more suitable for certain roles - and that will then have a direct effect on which weapon upgrades you do and when, and where you’re equipping Emblem Rings. So, first step to strategy greatness: understand your units! The table below will help you to do that.