Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout fans that have been playing since the game’s launch on PlayStation Plus and Steam will have undoubtedly noticed the game’s cheater problem. It’s not a new issue for the developers, after all. This is a problem you get with most online games: there’s always a minority ruining it for the rest of us. But Mediatonic has a frankly inspiring approach to dealing with these dishonest players. Rather than banning players it detected cheating outright, Mediatonic simply placed the rogue players in their own special hell. Enter Cheater Island. The developer reveals that, initially, players sorted onto the Islands would simply be ‘falling forever’. Apparently, in the early days, there weren’t enough other cheaters to make a full game. That problem didn’t last long, though: similarly crooked players soon filled the Island. If you’ve seen videos on social media of a whole lobby of players cheating (resulting in some messy-looking gameplay!), it stands to reason that’s why. The player posting the video is likely on Cheater Island, too. Alas, all good things come to an end. Cheater Island is now closed, and players that have been flagged cheating are simply banned. Looking forward, Mediatonic will be using Epic’s anti-cheat software to target players ruining the experience for everyone else.